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Mask R-CNN - Robust Deep Learning Segmentation in 1 hour
Section 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction to Mask R-CNN (2:38)
How to Join the Private FB Group
Lecture 2: How to take this course. (4:27)
Lecture 3: Mask R-CNN Intuition (10:07)
Section 2: Setup of Mask RCNN
Lecture 4: Anaconda Install and Setup for Mask RCNN (1:57)
Lecture 5: Installing the requirements, dependencies (10:56)
Section 3: Mask RCNN
Lecture 6: Real-time Mask RCNN - How to execute like a boss. (5:32)
Section 4: Training Mask RCNN
Lecture 7: Set up Supervisely Cluster (9:32)
Lecture 9: Annotating Images (8:10)
Lecture 10: Data Augmentation (4:38)
Lecture 11: How to Train a Mask RCNN model (5:50)
Section 5: Deploying Mask-RCNN
Lecture 12: How to Deploy a Custom Mask RCNN after Training (3:55)
Lecture 13: Segmentation Area Analysis - How to Count Potholes and its Area Size (2:55)
Section 6: Conclusion to the Course
Lecture 15: Artificial Neural Networks Intuition - [Bonus] (18:30)
Lecture 16: Convolutional Neural Networks Intuition - [BONUS] (11:17)
Lecture 11: How to Train a Mask RCNN model
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