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Zynq Training - Learn Zynq 7000 SOC device on Microzed FPGA
First Section
1. Introduction to Zynq Design Course (2:02)
2. Download and Install Vivado (6:03)
3. Unboxing and Setup of the MicroZed Zynq BoardYT (2:16)
4. Adding Board Definition Files in Vivado for MicroZed (4:05)
5. Adding a Zynq Processing System in Vivado IP Integrator (7:45)
6. Hello World UART Lab On Zynq Processor in Xilinx SDK_MAin (10:09)
7. Understanding Structs in XIlinx SDK (5:44)
8. How to blink an LED on Zynq Devices (Part1) (11:50)
9. How to blink an LED on Zynq Devices (Part2) (9:05)
10. Delay function in C Xilinx SDK for Zynq Boards_Udemy (5:48)
11. Debugging on a Zynq in Xilinx SDK Eclipse (13:33)
12. Expanding Zynq with AXI BRAM and SPI Programmable Logic (8:50)
13. Read Button on Zynq with MIO PushButtons GPIO Xilinx SDK (6:50)
14. Reading-and-Writing-to-Memory (14:09)
15. Timers (Polled) in Xilinx SDK Zynq Training (13:12)
16. Zynq Timers Using Interrupts (Theory and Code) (12:23)
Review Lecture (1:01)
Conclusion Lecture (1:33)
Review Lecture
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